Pastor Troy is the Chair of Rebuilding Every City Around Peace (RECAP) Initiative with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department;
- Founding member of the City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Faith Initiative a recipient of the 2017 US Conference of Mayors City Livability Award.
- Producer of “Believe Again Las Vegas” Documentary a Public Safety Initiative after 1 October mass shooting.
- Executive Director of Nevada’s Sex Trafficking Awareness Campaign and Producer of Emmy Nominated Trafficked No More documentary;
- Chair of Las Vegas Crystal Darkness (Anti-Drug) Campaign;
- Founder of 10,000 Kids Non-Profit Org. Member Las Vegas Sheriff’s Metro Multicultural Advisory Committee.
- Governor’s Point of Light recipient.
- Presidential prayer team and
- Pastor of East Vegas Christian Center.

Pastor Troy and wife Sandra have been married for 37 years.
Senior and founding Pastor of the East Vegas Christian Center since 1998. Founder of the 10,000 Kids Non-Profit organization since 2005. Pastor Troy has made it his life’s calling to serve in the inner cities of America Pastor Troy can go into a challenging or violent situation troubleshoot- quickly access the needs on the ground Pastor Troy has a unique perspective he gained through life experience. Born in Los Angeles to a teenage mother who herself was raised in an orphanage. Troy did not meet his father until Troy was 50 years old. Poverty, Drugs, Crime, Gangs, and cycles of violence were a social norm in the home and life as a youth.